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TeraCash AVX Check Cashing Software
With TeraCash™ AVX, you'll have all the tools you need to help your company run a successful and profitable check cashing business!
With quick, easy to use screens, multi-lingual text, (English and Spanish) and an array of administration tools as well as Biometric fingerprint security backed by a highly scalable database engine, you can rest assured that you will be using these tools for years to come!
Included with TeraCash is our check fraud protection which helps you keep track of bad check writers by using a highly sophisticated system which determines the risk involved - out of a possible 100 - of cashing each check received.
For an added level of protection, ask us about our CheckGuard Service!
By subscribing to this service, you will have access to our network of known check cashers, and will be able to determine the validity of each check. CheckGuard provides a full range of security measures including fraudulent check cashers and known phony check writers!
If you would like us to send you a FREE demo CD, call us at (800) 628-9471!

If you already have a TeraCash reseller website account with us, you can log on to it by clicking here.

If you're interested in purchasing a copy of TeraCash AVX, please contact our sales department.
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Featured AVX Packages
A LA Cart
TeraCash™ A LA Cart includes category, product, and customer management tools not found in many of our competitor products. Contact us to discuss your specific needs.
For pricing information please call (800) 628-9471
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